Interface ClientEvents

Every client events.

interface ClientEvents {
    announcementCommentCreate: [comment: AnnouncementComment];
    announcementCommentDelete: [comment: AnnouncementComment];
    announcementCommentUpdate: [comment: AnnouncementComment, oldComment: null | JSONAnnouncementComment];
    announcementCreate: [announcement: Announcement];
    announcementDelete: [announcement: Announcement];
    announcementUpdate: [announcement: Announcement, oldAnnouncement: null | JSONAnnouncement];
    calendarCommentCreate: [comment: CalendarComment];
    calendarCommentDelete: [comment: CalendarComment];
    calendarCommentUpdate: [comment: CalendarComment, oldComment: null | JSONCalendarComment];
    calendarEventCreate: [CalendarEvent: CalendarEvent];
    calendarEventDelete: [CalendarEvent: CalendarEvent];
    calendarEventRsvpBulkUpdate: [CalendarRSVPs: CalendarEventRSVP[], oldRSVPs: (null | JSONCalendarRSVP)[]];
    calendarEventRsvpDelete: [CalendarRSVP: CalendarEventRSVP];
    calendarEventRsvpUpdate: [CalendarRSVP: CalendarEventRSVP, oldRSVP: null | JSONCalendarRSVP];
    calendarEventUpdate: [CalendarEvent: CalendarEvent, oldEvent: null | JSONCalendarEvent];
    channelArchive: [channel: AnyChannel];
    channelCategoryRolePermissionCreated: [channelCategoryRolePermission: ChannelCategoryRolePermission];
    channelCategoryRolePermissionDeleted: [channelCategoryRolePermission: ChannelCategoryRolePermission];
    channelCategoryRolePermissionUpdated: [channelCategoryRolePermission: ChannelCategoryRolePermission];
    channelCategoryUserPermissionCreated: [channelCategoryUserPermission: ChannelCategoryUserPermission];
    channelCategoryUserPermissionDeleted: [channelCategoryUserPermission: ChannelCategoryUserPermission];
    channelCategoryUserPermissionUpdated: [channelCategoryUserPermission: ChannelCategoryUserPermission];
    channelCreate: [channel: AnyChannel];
    channelDelete: [channel: AnyChannel];
    channelRestore: [channel: AnyChannel];
    channelRolePermissionCreated: [channelRolePermission: ChannelRolePermission];
    channelRolePermissionDeleted: [channelRolePermission: ChannelRolePermission];
    channelRolePermissionUpdated: [channelRolePermission: ChannelRolePermission];
        | [channel: TextChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONTextChannel]
        | [channel: ForumChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONForumChannel]
        | [channel: CalendarChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONCalendarChannel]
        | [channel: DocChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONDocChannel]
        | [channel: GuildChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONGuildChannel]
        | [channel: Channel, oldChannel: null | JSONChannel];
    channelUserPermissionCreated: [channelUserPermission: ChannelUserPermission];
    channelUserPermissionDeleted: [channelUserPermission: ChannelUserPermission];
    channelUserPermissionUpdated: [channelUserPermission: ChannelUserPermission];
    debug: [message: string | object];
    docCommentCreate: [comment: DocComment];
    docCommentDelete: [comment: DocComment];
    docCommentUpdate: [comment: DocComment, oldComment: null | JSONDocComment];
    docCreate: [Doc: Doc];
    docDelete: [DeletedDoc: Doc];
    docUpdate: [Doc: Doc, oldDoc: null | JSONDoc];
    error: [error: Error];
    exit: [message: string];
    forumCommentCreate: [comment: ForumThreadComment];
    forumCommentDelete: [comment: ForumThreadComment];
    forumCommentUpdate: [comment: ForumThreadComment, oldComment: null | JSONForumThreadComment];
    forumThreadCreate: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>];
    forumThreadDelete: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>];
    forumThreadLock: [ForumThread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>];
    forumThreadPin: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>];
    forumThreadUnlock: [ForumThread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>];
    forumThreadUnpin: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>];
    forumThreadUpdate: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>, oldThread: null | JSONForumThread<ForumChannel>];
    guildBanAdd: [BannedMember: BannedMember];
    guildBanRemove: [BannedMember: BannedMember];
    guildCategoryCreate: [category: Category];
    guildCategoryDelete: [category: Category];
    guildCategoryUpdate: [category: Category];
    guildCreate: [GuildCreateInfo: GuildCreateInfo];
    guildDelete: [GuildDeleteInfo: GuildDeleteInfo];
    guildGroupCreate: [guildGroup: Group];
    guildGroupDelete: [guildGroup: Group];
    guildGroupUpdate: [guildGroup: Group, oldGuildGroup: null | JSONGroup];
    guildMemberAdd: [Member: Member, guildMemberCount: number];
    guildMemberRemove: [MemberRemoveInfo: MemberRemoveInfo];
    guildMemberUpdate: [MemberUpdateInfo: MemberUpdateInfo];
    guildRoleCreate: [role: Role];
    guildRoleDelete: [role: Role];
    guildRoleUpdate: [role: Role, oldRole: null | JSONRole];
    interactionCreate: [interaction: AnyInteraction];
    listItemComplete: [item: ListItem];
    listItemCreate: [item: ListItem];
    listItemDelete: [item: ListItem];
    listItemUncomplete: [item: ListItem];
    listItemUpdate: [item: ListItem];
    messageCreate: [message: Message<TextChannel>];
    messageDelete: [message: PossiblyUncachedMessage];
    messagePin: [message: Message<TextChannel>];
    messageUnpin: [message: Message<TextChannel>];
    messageUpdate: [message: Message<TextChannel>, oldMessage: null | JSONMessage];
    reactionAdd: [reactionInfo: AnyReactionInfo];
    reactionBulkRemove: [bulkInfo: ChannelMessageReactionBulkRemove];
    reactionRemove: [reactionInfo: AnyReactionInfo];
    ready: [];
    userStatusCreate: [userStatus: UserStatusCreate];
    userStatusDelete: [userStatus: UserStatusDelete];
    warn: [message: string];
    webhooksCreate: [webhook: Webhook];
    webhooksUpdate: [webhook: Webhook];


announcementCommentCreate announcementCommentDelete announcementCommentUpdate announcementCreate announcementDelete announcementUpdate calendarCommentCreate calendarCommentDelete calendarCommentUpdate calendarEventCreate calendarEventDelete calendarEventRsvpBulkUpdate calendarEventRsvpDelete calendarEventRsvpUpdate calendarEventUpdate channelArchive channelCategoryRolePermissionCreated channelCategoryRolePermissionDeleted channelCategoryRolePermissionUpdated channelCategoryUserPermissionCreated channelCategoryUserPermissionDeleted channelCategoryUserPermissionUpdated channelCreate channelDelete channelRestore channelRolePermissionCreated channelRolePermissionDeleted channelRolePermissionUpdated channelUpdate channelUserPermissionCreated channelUserPermissionDeleted channelUserPermissionUpdated debug docCommentCreate docCommentDelete docCommentUpdate docCreate docDelete docUpdate error exit forumCommentCreate forumCommentDelete forumCommentUpdate forumThreadCreate forumThreadDelete forumThreadLock forumThreadPin forumThreadUnlock forumThreadUnpin forumThreadUpdate guildBanAdd guildBanRemove guildCategoryCreate guildCategoryDelete guildCategoryUpdate guildCreate guildDelete guildGroupCreate guildGroupDelete guildGroupUpdate guildMemberAdd guildMemberRemove guildMemberUpdate guildRoleCreate guildRoleDelete guildRoleUpdate interactionCreate listItemComplete listItemCreate listItemDelete listItemUncomplete listItemUpdate messageCreate messageDelete messagePin messageUnpin messageUpdate reactionAdd reactionBulkRemove reactionRemove ready userStatusCreate userStatusDelete warn webhooksCreate webhooksUpdate


announcementCommentCreate: [comment: AnnouncementComment]

Emitted when a comment is created inside an announcement.

announcementCommentDelete: [comment: AnnouncementComment]

Emitted when a comment within an announcement is deleted.

announcementCommentUpdate: [comment: AnnouncementComment, oldComment: null | JSONAnnouncementComment]

Emitted when a comment within an announcement is updated.

announcementCreate: [announcement: Announcement]

Emitted when an announcement coming from an Announcement channel is created.

announcementDelete: [announcement: Announcement]

Emitted when an announcement coming from an Announcement channel is deleted.

announcementUpdate: [announcement: Announcement, oldAnnouncement: null | JSONAnnouncement]

Emitted when an announcement coming from an Announcement channel is updated.

calendarCommentCreate: [comment: CalendarComment]

Emitted when a calendar event comment is created.

calendarCommentDelete: [comment: CalendarComment]

Emitted when a calendar event comment is deleted.

calendarCommentUpdate: [comment: CalendarComment, oldComment: null | JSONCalendarComment]

Emitted when a calendar event comment is edited.

calendarEventCreate: [CalendarEvent: CalendarEvent]

Emitted when an event was added to a calendar.

calendarEventDelete: [CalendarEvent: CalendarEvent]

Emitted when a calendar event is deleted.

calendarEventRsvpBulkUpdate: [CalendarRSVPs: CalendarEventRSVP[], oldRSVPs: (null | JSONCalendarRSVP)[]]

Emitted when multiple event RSVPs are updated.

calendarEventRsvpDelete: [CalendarRSVP: CalendarEventRSVP]

Emitted when an event RSVP is deleted.

calendarEventRsvpUpdate: [CalendarRSVP: CalendarEventRSVP, oldRSVP: null | JSONCalendarRSVP]

Emitted when an event RSVP is updated.

calendarEventUpdate: [CalendarEvent: CalendarEvent, oldEvent: null | JSONCalendarEvent]

Emitted when a calendar event got updated.

channelArchive: [channel: AnyChannel]

Emitted when a guild channel is archived.

channelCategoryRolePermissionCreated: [channelCategoryRolePermission: ChannelCategoryRolePermission]

Emitted when a channel category role permission is created.

channelCategoryRolePermissionDeleted: [channelCategoryRolePermission: ChannelCategoryRolePermission]

Emitted when a channel category role permission is deleted.

channelCategoryRolePermissionUpdated: [channelCategoryRolePermission: ChannelCategoryRolePermission]

Emitted when a channel category role permission is updated.

channelCategoryUserPermissionCreated: [channelCategoryUserPermission: ChannelCategoryUserPermission]

Emitted when a channel category user permission is created.

channelCategoryUserPermissionDeleted: [channelCategoryUserPermission: ChannelCategoryUserPermission]

Emitted when a channel category user permission is deleted.

channelCategoryUserPermissionUpdated: [channelCategoryUserPermission: ChannelCategoryUserPermission]

Emitted when a channel category user permission is updated.

channelCreate: [channel: AnyChannel]

Emitted when a guild channel is created.

channelDelete: [channel: AnyChannel]

Emitted when a guild channel is deleted.

channelRestore: [channel: AnyChannel]

Emitted when a guild channel is restored.

channelRolePermissionCreated: [channelRolePermission: ChannelRolePermission]

Emitted when a channel role permission is created.

channelRolePermissionDeleted: [channelRolePermission: ChannelRolePermission]

Emitted when a channel role permission is deleted.

channelRolePermissionUpdated: [channelRolePermission: ChannelRolePermission]

Emitted when a channel role permission is updated.

    | [channel: TextChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONTextChannel]
    | [channel: ForumChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONForumChannel]
    | [channel: CalendarChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONCalendarChannel]
    | [channel: DocChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONDocChannel]
    | [channel: GuildChannel, oldChannel: null | JSONGuildChannel]
    | [channel: Channel, oldChannel: null | JSONChannel]

Emitted when a guild channel is updated.

channelUserPermissionCreated: [channelUserPermission: ChannelUserPermission]

Emitted when a channel user permission is created.

channelUserPermissionDeleted: [channelUserPermission: ChannelUserPermission]

Emitted when a channel user permission is deleted.

channelUserPermissionUpdated: [channelUserPermission: ChannelUserPermission]

Emitted when a channel user permission is updated.

debug: [message: string | object]

Emitted when things needs to be debugged.

docCommentCreate: [comment: DocComment]

Emitted when a doc comment is created.

docCommentDelete: [comment: DocComment]

Emitted when a doc comment is deleted.

docCommentUpdate: [comment: DocComment, oldComment: null | JSONDocComment]

Emitted when a doc comment is edited.

docCreate: [Doc: Doc]

Emitted when a doc is created.

docDelete: [DeletedDoc: Doc]

Emitted when a doc is deleted.

docUpdate: [Doc: Doc, oldDoc: null | JSONDoc]

Emitted when a doc is edited.

error: [error: Error]

Emitted after getting an error.

exit: [message: string]

Emitted on process exit.

forumCommentCreate: [comment: ForumThreadComment]

Emitted when forum thread comment is edited.

forumCommentDelete: [comment: ForumThreadComment]

Emitted when forum thread is deleted.

forumCommentUpdate: [comment: ForumThreadComment, oldComment: null | JSONForumThreadComment]

Emitted when a forum thread is deleted.

forumThreadCreate: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>]

Emitted when a forum thread is created.

forumThreadDelete: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>]

Emitted when a forum thread is edited.

forumThreadLock: [ForumThread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>]

Emitted when forum thread got locked.

forumThreadPin: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>]

Emitted when a forum thread is pinned.

forumThreadUnlock: [ForumThread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>]

Emitted when forum thread got unlocked.

forumThreadUnpin: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>]

Emitted when a forum thread is unpinned.

forumThreadUpdate: [thread: ForumThread<ForumChannel>, oldThread: null | JSONForumThread<ForumChannel>]

Emitted when a thread comment is created.

guildBanAdd: [BannedMember: BannedMember]

Emitted when a guild member got banned.

guildBanRemove: [BannedMember: BannedMember]

Emitted when guild member got unbanned.

guildCategoryCreate: [category: Category]

Emitted when a category is created.

guildCategoryDelete: [category: Category]

Emitted when a category is deleted.

guildCategoryUpdate: [category: Category]

Emitted when a category is updated.

guildCreate: [GuildCreateInfo: GuildCreateInfo]

Emitted when the client joins a guild.

guildDelete: [GuildDeleteInfo: GuildDeleteInfo]

Emitted when the client leaves a guild.

guildGroupCreate: [guildGroup: Group]

Emitted when a guild group is created.

guildGroupDelete: [guildGroup: Group]

Emitted when a guild group is updated.

guildGroupUpdate: [guildGroup: Group, oldGuildGroup: null | JSONGroup]

Emitted when a member joined the server.

guildMemberAdd: [Member: Member, guildMemberCount: number]

Emitted when a guild group is deleted.

guildMemberRemove: [MemberRemoveInfo: MemberRemoveInfo]

Emitted when a member left the server.

guildMemberUpdate: [MemberUpdateInfo: MemberUpdateInfo]

Emitted when a member updated their guild profile. It does include role changes, nickname & more.

guildRoleCreate: [role: Role]

Emitted when a guild role is created.

guildRoleDelete: [role: Role]

Emitted when a guild role is deleted.

guildRoleUpdate: [role: Role, oldRole: null | JSONRole]

Emitted when a guild role is updated.

interactionCreate: [interaction: AnyInteraction]

Emitted when an interaction is created.

listItemComplete: [item: ListItem]

Emitted when a list item is completed.

listItemCreate: [item: ListItem]

Emitted when a list item is created.

listItemDelete: [item: ListItem]

Emitted when a list item is deleted.

listItemUncomplete: [item: ListItem]

Emitted when a list item is uncompleted.

listItemUpdate: [item: ListItem]

Emitted when a list item is edited.

messageCreate: [message: Message<TextChannel>]

Emitted when a message is created in a "chat" channel.

messageDelete: [message: PossiblyUncachedMessage]

Emitted when a message coming from a "chat" channel is deleted.

messagePin: [message: Message<TextChannel>]

Emitted when a message coming from a "chat" channel is pinned.

messageUnpin: [message: Message<TextChannel>]

Emitted when a message coming from a "chat" channel is unpinned.

messageUpdate: [message: Message<TextChannel>, oldMessage: null | JSONMessage]

Emitted when a message coming from a "chat" channel is edited.

reactionAdd: [reactionInfo: AnyReactionInfo]

Emitted when a reaction is added to anything.

reactionBulkRemove: [bulkInfo: ChannelMessageReactionBulkRemove]

Emitted when a bulk reaction remove is performed.

reactionRemove: [reactionInfo: AnyReactionInfo]

Emitted when a reaction is removed from anything.

ready: []

Emitted when the app is ready.

userStatusCreate: [userStatus: UserStatusCreate]

Emitted when a user updates their user status.

userStatusDelete: [userStatus: UserStatusDelete]

Emitted when a user delete their user status.

warn: [message: string]

Emitted when something goes a little wrong.

webhooksCreate: [webhook: Webhook]

Emitted when a webhook is being created.

webhooksUpdate: [webhook: Webhook]

Emitted when a webhook is definitely created, or has been updated.