Represents a user.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • data: {
          avatar?: string;
          banner?: string;
          createdAt: string;
          id: string;
          name: string;
          status?: {
              content?: string;
              emoteId: number;
          type?: UserType;

      raw data.

      • Optionalavatar?: string

        Avatar Format: media-uri

        The avatar image associated with the user

      • Optionalbanner?: string

        Banner Format: media-uri

        The banner image associated with the user

      • createdAt: string

        Created at Format: date-time

        The ISO 8601 timestamp that the user was created at

      • id: string

        User ID Format: user-id

        The ID of the user

      • name: string

        User name

        The user's name

      • Optionalstatus?: {
            content?: string;
            emoteId: number;
        • Optionalcontent?: string

          Content Format: status markdown

          The content of the user status. The supported markdown for this content only includes reactions and plaintext for now

        • emoteId: number

          Emote ID

      • Optionaltype?: UserType

        User type

        The type of user. If this property is absent, it can assumed to be of type user

    • client: Client


    Returns User


app: boolean

If true, the user is an app (aka: bot).

avatarURL: null | string

Current avatar url of the user.

bannerURL: null | string

Current banned url of the user.

client: Client

App's client.

createdAt: Date

When the user account was created.

id: string

Item ID

type: null | UserTypes

User type

username: string

User's username.
