Interface JSONComponentInteraction

interface JSONComponentInteraction {
    _lastMessageID: null | string;
    acknowledged: boolean;
    channelID: string;
    data: ComponentInteractionData;
    guildID: null | string;
    id: string;
    memberID: string;
    messageID: string;
    originalID: null | string;

Hierarchy (view full)

  • JSONBase<string>
    • JSONComponentInteraction


_lastMessageID: null | string

ID of the last message created with this interaction.

acknowledged: boolean

Interaction acknowledgement.

channelID: string

ID of the channel on which the interaction was sent.

Component Interaction Data

guildID: null | string

ID of the server on which the interaction was sent.

id: string
memberID: string

ID of the interaction author.

messageID: string

ID of the Interaction Message, triggering this interaction.

originalID: null | string

ID of the original response of this interaction, if existant.