Interface GatewayEvent_AnnouncementCommentDeleted

interface GatewayEvent_AnnouncementCommentDeleted {
    announcementComment: {
        announcementId: string;
        channelId: string;
        content: string;
        createdAt: string;
        createdBy: string;
        id: number;
        mentions?: {
            channels?: {
                id: string;
            everyone?: boolean;
            here?: boolean;
            roles?: {
                id: number;
            users?: {
                id: string;
        updatedAt?: string;
    serverId: string;


announcementComment: {
    announcementId: string;
    channelId: string;
    content: string;
    createdAt: string;
    createdBy: string;
    id: number;
    mentions?: {
        channels?: {
            id: string;
        everyone?: boolean;
        here?: boolean;
        roles?: {
            id: number;
        users?: {
            id: string;
    updatedAt?: string;

Type declaration

  • announcementId: string

    Announcement ID

    The ID of the announcement

  • channelId: string

    Channel ID Format: uuid

    The ID of the channel

  • content: string

    Content Format: long-form markdown

    The content of the announcement comment

  • createdAt: string

    Created at Format: date-time

    The ISO 8601 timestamp that the announcement comment was created at

  • createdBy: string

    Created by

    The ID of the user who created this announcement comment (Note: If this event has createdByWebhookId present, this field will still be populated, but can be ignored. In this case, the value of this field will always be Ann6LewA)

  • id: number

    Announcement comment ID

    The ID of the announcement comment

  • Optionalmentions?: {
        channels?: {
            id: string;
        everyone?: boolean;
        here?: boolean;
        roles?: {
            id: number;
        users?: {
            id: string;
    • Optionalchannels?: {
          id: string;


      Info on mentioned channels

    • Optionaleveryone?: boolean



      was mentioned

    • Optionalhere?: boolean



      was mentioned

    • Optionalroles?: {
          id: number;


      Info on mentioned roles

    • Optionalusers?: {
          id: string;


      Info on mentioned users

  • OptionalupdatedAt?: string

    Updated at Format: date-time

    The ISO 8601 timestamp that the announcement comment was updated at, if relevant

serverId: string

The ID of the server