BannedMember represents a banned guild member.

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Base<string>
    • BannedMember






  • Parameters

    • guildID: string

      ID of the guild.

    • data: {
          createdAt: string;
          createdBy: string;
          reason?: string;
          user: {
              avatar?: string;
              id: string;
              name: string;
              type?: UserSummaryType;

      raw data.

      • createdAt: string

        Created at Format: date-time

        The ISO 8601 timestamp that the server member ban was created at

      • createdBy: string

        Created by

        The ID of the user who created this server member ban

      • Optionalreason?: string


        The reason for the ban as submitted by the banner

      • user: {
            avatar?: string;
            id: string;
            name: string;
            type?: UserSummaryType;
        • Optionalavatar?: string

          Avatar Format: media-uri

          The avatar image associated with the user

        • id: string

          User ID Format: user-id

          The ID of the user

        • name: string

          User name

          The user's name

        • Optionaltype?: UserSummaryType

          User type

          The type of user. If this property is absent, it can assumed to be of type user

    • client: Client


    Returns BannedMember


ban: {
    bannedBy: string;
    createdAt: null | Date;
    reason?: string;

Information about the banned member (object)

Type declaration

  • bannedBy: string

    ID of the member who banned this member.

  • createdAt: null | Date

    When the member has been banned.

  • Optionalreason?: string

    Reason of the ban

client: Client

App's client.

guildID: string

Server ID.

id: string

Item ID

member: null | Member

Banned member, if cached.

user: User

Banned user.


  • get guild(): Guild | Promise<Guild>
  • Getter used to get the message's guild

    Note: this can return a promise, make sure to await it before.

    Returns Guild | Promise<Guild>
