Represents a Guild Subscription.

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Base<string>
    • Subscription


  • Parameters

    • data: {
          cost: number;
          createdAt: string;
          description?: string;
          roleId?: number;
          serverId: string;
          type: ServerSubscriptionTierType;
      • cost: number

        The cost of the tier in cents USD per month

      • createdAt: string

        Created at Format: date-time

        The ISO 8601 timestamp that the server subscription tier was created at

      • Optionaldescription?: string


        The description associated with the server subscription tier

      • OptionalroleId?: number

        Role ID

        The ID of the role

      • serverId: string

        Server ID

        The ID of the server

      • type: ServerSubscriptionTierType

        Server subscription tier type

        The type of the server subscription tier. This field is case sensitive!!

    • client: Client

    Returns Subscription


client: Client

App's client.

cost: number

Cost of the subscription

createdAt: Date

The ISO 8601 timestamp that the subscription was created at

description: null | string

Description of the subscription (optional)

guildID: string

ID of the guild

id: string

Item ID

roleID: null | number

ID of the role associated with the subscription (optional)

type: string

Type of the subscription
