raw data
When the channel was last archived.
ID of the member that archived the channel (if archived)
ID of the category the channel is in.
Bot's client.
When this channel was created.
ID of the member who created this channel.
Channel description
Timestamp at which this channel was last edited.
ID of the group the channel is in.
Server ID
Item ID
Channel name
ID of the parent category.
Cached scheduled events.
Channel type
Channel visibility
Create an event in this channel.
Event options.
createSeries: { (optional) Create a series. (event's repetition)
endThe ISO 8601 timestamp that the event ends at. Used to control the end date of the event repeat (only used when type is custom; if used with endsAfterOccurrences, the earliest resultant date of the two will be used)
endsUsed to control the end date of the event repeat (only used when type is custom; if used with endDate, the earliest resultant date of the two will be used) (max 24)
every?: { Apply further clarification to your events. This must have type set to custom
How often between your interval the event should repeat. For example, 1 would be every interval, 2 would be every second occurrence of the interval
Coupled with count, this indicates the time range you are repeating your event over
on?: ("sunday" | "monday" | "tuesday" | "wednesday" | "thursday" | "friday" | "saturday")[]Used to control the day of the week that the event should repeat on (only used when type is custom and when every.interval is week) (min items 1)
How often you want your event to repeat (important note: this will repeat for the next 180 days unless custom is defined) (default once)
Edit the channel.
Edit an event from this channel.
ID of a calendar event.
Edit options.
Edit an event series set in this channel.
ID of the event.
ID of the series.
Edit repetition options.
Represents a calendar channel.