Interface EditCalendarEventOptions


  • EditCalendarEventOptions


autofillWaitlist?: boolean

When rsvpLimit is set, users from the waitlist will be added as space becomes available in the event

cancellation?: {
    description?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional description?: string

    The description of event cancellation (min length 1; max length 140)

color?: number

Event card's color.

description?: string

The description of the event.

duration?: number

Event's duration in ms.

isAllDay?: boolean

Does the event last all day? If passed with duration, duration will only be applied if it is an interval of minutes represented in days (e.g., duration: 2880)

isPrivate?: boolean

If the event is private or not.

location?: string

The location where the event will happen.

name?: string

The name of the event.

roleIds?: number[]

The role IDs to restrict the event to (min items 1; must have unique items true)

rsvpLimit?: number

Limit of member joining this event.

startsAt?: string

The event's starting date.

url?: string

Link a URL to the event.