archivedThe ID of the user who archived this channel
categoryOnly relevant for server channels
The ISO 8601 timestamp that the channel was created at
The ID of the user who created this channel
The ID of the group
The ID of the channel
isWhether the channel can be accessed from users who are not member of the server (default false
The name of the channel (min length 1; max length 100)
parentID of the parent channel or parent thread, if present. Only relevant for server channels
The ID of the server
topicThe topic of the channel (min length 1; max length 512)
The type of channel. This will determine what routes to use for creating content in a channel. For example, if this "chat", then one must use the routes for creating channel messages
updatedThe ISO 8601 timestamp that the channel was updated at, if relevant
visibilityThe visibility of the channel. Only relevant for server channels
The ISO 8601 timestamp that the channel was archived at, if relevant