BannedMember represents a banned guild member.




avatarURL: null | string

Current avatar url of the user.

ban: {
    bannedBy: string;
    createdAt: null | Date;
    reason?: string;

Information about the banned member (object)

Type declaration

  • bannedBy: string

    ID of the member who banned this member.

  • createdAt: null | Date

    When the member has been banned.

  • Optional reason?: string

    Reason of the ban

bannerURL: null | string

Current banned url of the user.

bot: boolean

If true, the user is a bot.

client: Client

Bot's client.

createdAt: Date

When the user account was created.

guildID: string

Server ID.

id: string | number

Item ID

type: null | UserTypes

User type

username: string

User's username.
