Class Guild

Represents a Guild, also called server.




bannerURL?: null | string

Guild banner URL.

client: Client

Bot's client.

createdAt: Date

When this guild was created.

defaultChannelID?: string

Default channel of the guild.

description?: string

Guild description.

iconURL?: null | string

Guild icon URL.

id: string | number

Item ID

name: string

The name of the guild.

ownerID: string

ID of the guild owner.

timezone?: string

Guild's timezone.

type?: string

Guild type.

url?: string

The URL of the guild.


  • get owner(): undefined | User | Member | Promise<Member>
  • Retrieve guild's owner, if cached. If there is no cached member or user, this will make a request which returns a Promise. If the request fails, this will throw an error or return you undefined as a value.

    Returns undefined | User | Member | Promise<Member>


  • Get a channel from this guild.


    • channelID: string

      The ID of the channel to get.

    Returns Promise<Channel>