Represents a comment coming from a ForumThread.


  • Base<number>
    • ForumThreadComment



channelID: string

ID of the forum channel containing this thread.

client: Client

Bot's client.

content: string

The content of the forum thread comment

createdAt: Date

The ISO 8601 timestamp that the forum thread comment was created at

guildID: null | string

ID of the forum thread's server, if provided.

id: number

Item ID

memberID: string

The ID of the user who sent this comment.

mentions: null | APIMentions

Mentions in this thread comment.

threadID: number

The ID of the forum thread

updatedAt: null | Date

The ISO 8601 timestamp that the forum thread comment was updated at, if relevant


  • get member(): undefined | Member | Promise<Member>
  • Retrieve the member who sent this comment, if cached. If there is no cached member, this will make a rest request which returns a Promise. If the request fails, it'll return you undefined as a value.

    Returns undefined | Member | Promise<Member>


  • Add a reaction to the comment.


    • reaction: number

      The ID of the reaction to add.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Remove a reaction from the comment.


    • reaction: number

      The ID of the reaction to remove.

    Returns Promise<void>