raw data.
options: ConstructorCalendarEventCommentOptionsThe ID of the channel containing this comment.
Bot's client.
The content of the comment.
The ISO 8601 timestamp that this comment was created at.
Raw data
The ID of the event containing this comment. (parent)
This property isn't always provided by the Guilded API, the value can be null, which disable the ability to get member through this class.
Item ID
The ID of the member who sent this comment.
The ISO 8601 timestamp that this comment was updated at.
Retrieve the member who sent this comment, if cached. If there is no cached member, this will make a rest request which returns a Promise. If the request fails, it'll return undefined or throw an error that you can catch.
Create a comment in the same event as this one.
Create options.
Edit this comment
CalendarEventComment represents an event comment coming from a calendar channel.