Interface APIEmbedOptions

Embed types.


  • APIEmbedOptions


author?: {
    icon_url?: string;
    name?: string;
    url?: string;

A small section above the title of the embed

Type declaration

  • Optional icon_url?: string

    URL of a small image to display to the left of the author's name (max length 1024)

  • Optional name?: string

    Name of the author (max length 256)

  • Optional url?: string

    URL to linkify the author's name field (max length 1024; regex ^(?!attachment))

color?: number

Decimal value of the color that the left border should be (min 0; max 16777215)

description?: string

Subtext of the embed (max length 2048)

fields?: APIEmbedField[]

Table-like cells to add to the embed (max items 25)

footer?: {
    icon_url?: string;
    text?: string;

A small section at the bottom of the embed

Type declaration

  • Optional icon_url?: string

    URL of a small image to put in the footer (max length 1024)

  • Optional text?: string

    Text of the footer (max length 2048)

image?: {
    url?: string;

The main picture to associate with the embed

Type declaration

  • Optional url?: string

    URL of the image (max length 1024)

thumbnail?: {
    url?: string;

An image to the right of the embed's content

Type declaration

  • Optional url?: string

    URL of the image (max length 1024)

timestamp?: string

A timestamp to put in the footer

title?: string

Main header of the embed (max length 256)

url?: string

URL to linkify the title field with (max length 1024; regex ^(?!attachment))