Class Doc

Doc represents an item of a "Docs" channel.




channelID: string

ID of the 'docs' channel.

client: Client

Bot's client.

content: string

Content of the doc

createdAt: Date

When the doc has been created.

editedTimestamp: null | Date

When the doc has been updated.

guildID: string

Guild/server id

id: string | number

Item ID

memberID: string

ID of the member who created this doc.

mentions: APIMentions

Doc mentions

name: string

Doc name

updatedBy: null | string

ID of the member who updated the doc.


  • get member(): undefined | User | Member | Promise<Member>
  • Retrieve the member who executed this action. Note: If this doc has been edited, the updatedBy id will be used to get you the member.

    Returns undefined | User | Member | Promise<Member>
